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Liang Ma, Weixing Liu, Sicheng Chen,T | Where you are matters: Network position, designed network, and central government agency termination

来源:Public Administration

作者:Liang Ma, Weixing Liu, Sicheng Chen, Tom Christensen

刘卫星 | 对外经济贸易大学千亿·体育(中国)官方网站


This study synthesizes insights from collaborative network andagency termination theories to investigate how agencies’ positions in designed networksimpact their survival probability.Using longitudinal data for the central apparatus in China from2005 to 2020, along with the designed networks derived from1243 joint tasks arranged by the State Council, we conductedevent history analyses to test our hypotheses. Our findings suggest that a centralized network position cansignificantly reducean agency's likelihood of termination, while agencies in theperiphery of designed networks may be less likely to survive significant restructuring.It is also discovered that stronger agencies,such as larger, economically functioning, or statutorily createdones, benefit more from centralized network positions. Thesefindings underscore the pivotal role played by agencies' positionswithin designed networks in their survival prospects. As such,agencies should strategically leveragetheir positions within collaborative networks to mitigate the risk of termination.


